Two brothers, Derek and Bryan Pheasant, lost their Great Uncle Sam in the First World War at Ypres. He was never found, but his two Great Nephews have brought his memory to life by doing everything they can to commemorate a hero, their Great Uncle Sam, whom they never met, but admire so much! How very, very, moving it was reading their story about Great Uncle Sam. What a wonderful looking young man and such a great loss. The Menin Gate is very famous and the the people of
Belgium and in particular Leper (Ypres), honour their Great Uncle Sam and the other fifty four thousand men who were never recovered from he trenches and the battlefields. Tribute is paid every day of the year to those brave men whose names are carved onto the sandstone walls. Even the school children are very proud to look after this wonderful Memorial and are taught from a very young age, why it is there and what it represents so it really does mean a lot to them. Ypres was made famous by the bravery of our dear young soldiers, who were gassed, shot and more and had to endure the most harrowing conditions which we can never imagine. Poppies grew on the battlefields (and still do to this day) in and around Ypres where sadly, much blood once flowed. It is from these fields that the Poppy came to be the fitting tribute to Honour the Fallen of All Conflicts.
A picture of Great Uncle Sam will be in the Commemorative window at Hungerford Arcade.
This is a picture of Great Uncle Sam! More pictures will be posted shortly!
A picture of Great Uncle Sam will be in the Commemorative window at Hungerford Arcade.
This is a picture of Great Uncle Sam! More pictures will be posted shortly!