The BBC arrived at

The very cheeky but lovely Mark Stacey
Hungerford Arcade to film two episodes of Bargain Hunt. The programme, hosted by Tim Wannacott had the Blue Team advised by Hungerford Arcade’s dear friend, antiques expert, Mark Stacey, while the red team’s expert was the lovely Natasha Raskin. Unfortunately, we are not allowed to tell you what they bought, but we can tell you that we all had a great time and everyone enjoyed themselves. Natasha said that although it was an extremely hot day, the day before (Monday) they were filming at the Newbury Antiques Fair and the heat was almost unbearable so they were very grateful for the cool atmosphere of the Arcade.

Arcade manager, Alex getting the best price for the Blue Team

Lovely Natasha Raskin with Arcade co-owner, Adrian Gilmour and Rita