JARCO-Jane and Adrian’s Recycling Company – “We like to think we’re recycling items that others no longer want!”
Jane and Adrian Jefferies have been trading in collectable jewellery and other items since the early 1980s and have been at Hungerford Arcade since Adrian took early retirement in 2008. They also both work at the Arcade.
We are very pleased to say that Adrian and Jane have also joined us at Wallingford Arcade and have two units here.
Jane and Adrian as well as trading at local fairs. Both have scientific and analytical backgrounds and use their years of experience to carry out detailed research on the items they have for sale. In doing this research, they have built up a wealth of knowledge on a wide range of collectables and are always willing to share this knowledge with their customers.
and Adrian trade in a wide range of antique and collectable items, but specialise in costume jewellery. They sell silver, silver plate, glassware, collectable pottery, oriental items, collectable toys as well as gold, silver and costume jewellery. They also buy items including broken jewellery – as Adrian repairs and remodels costume and collectable jewellery. Stones, beads, clasps and other findings can also be sourced for the repair of costume jewellery.
Adrian can repair costume jewellery for customers – restringing of beads and re-stoning items at a reasonable cost. Jane and Adrian also give talks on the History of Collectable Costume Jewellery, can test stones and give informal valuations of jewellery. Adrian holds a successful Valuation Day at the Arcade twice a year, which is very popular.
As with many who trade in antiques, Jane and Adrian have built up collections of items they do not want to sell just yet – pictures, pottery (English Studio and Art pottery), oriental items and tea bowls (Adrian). Anything to do with elephants as well as costume jewellery (Jane).
Jane and Adrian like to travel and have collected many items for sale on their travels. They have recently been to Bhutan, Thailand and Iceland with further travels planned.
Tel: 01635 201595
Mobile: 07938 811964 (Adrian)
Mobile: 07703 397614 (Jane)
E-Mail: adrian.jefferies@jarco.org.uk
E-Mail: jane.jefferies@jarco.org.uk